Wednesday, August 29, 2007

August 28th

10 miles at Baylands.

Today for variety I ran the loop backwards. Uggggghhhhhhh...

Been feeling pretty drained lately. I've been staying up pretty late (some nights for good reasons, other nights not so good) and having trouble sleeping again, so that has quite a bit to do with it. Also, I have a MIDTERM due on Friday. Kill me now, kill me now, oh please kill me now.

Noah will be around this weekend so it'll be nice to have company on my long run. Again, I have to reiterate that Welsh needs to get his ass healthy.

Speaking of Welsh, I've started using the term "to Welsh out," which basically means "to sell out," "to be lame," "to soil," etc.

In other Welsh news, I continue to be the perfect wingman for Welsh and he has failed to capitalize and worse, he's also failed to reciprocate. In the past week, I've introduced him to one girl who's respectably cute and single, and gotten this other girl whom he has a crush on to get food with us post-trivia. In return, the only people he introduces me to (despite interacting with lots of cute, intelligent Stanford girls on a daily basis) are the Indian dudes in his PhD program. C'mon! Quid pro freakin' quo, Welsh.

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